I can’t decide if my art this year is focused on transition or grounding or searching; or, perhaps (and probably the truth), not focused at all.
I have recovered very well physically from open-heart surgery in April, but I never expected the emotional roller coaster that would follow. There has been a general malaise in just getting the creative initiative going again—no inspiration, no direction—but, now I realize that part of that was just adjusting to a new normal.
So, with painting, my approach is very contemplative. I am a colorist and impressionist, but it is my contemplative approach that creates the painting. I can get inspiration from a photo or a scene or just an idea, but then, I have to simply go to the canvas and paint the memories of those ideas.
I have worked more on the contemplative lifestyle that I need. It is in slowing down and living a simple, quiet life that I can be more creative.
So, here are a few attempts at starting back to painting again— all are oil on canvas— so sort of show where I am at this point.
I am really looking forward to being with all of you in our Contemplative Artist Guild, and I am so thankful for all of the work Lynn has put into this to keep us together.— Joy