Lynn Underwood

I am this group’s facilitator/coordinator. This gathering was begun by Joy, and I have been a member for 2 years. I am not a professional artist, but art is a central part of my life, and I have done some art for hire, commissioned work, and have been in area shows.. Most of my art is just a part of daily contemplative practice, and drawing people, animals, and ordinary things of my days seems to be the core of it. I live in Northeast Ohio in the woods near waterfalls. My main project just now is a book, with the rough draft just finished. My big effort this summer was for a lecture on compassionate love at the Chautauqua Institute. My website is including a page with a bunch of sketches:

Here is a sketch of a corner of the room of my own in my house. Semi-blind contour drawing.

Still life January 2025. Drawing what it around me in the midst of cold winter:

Lynn Underwood • Objects

January 23, 2025. Wrestling with feelings regarding current events. What to do with them? I continue my writing project, but this bird was a more direct way to let out my feelings, keeping them from festering.

Lynn Underwood • Angry Bird